Jochen Baberg war nicht nur unmittelbarer Nachbar des Firmengründers Wilhelm Schulte-Wiese, sondern auch ein guter Spielkamerad seiner Kinder

Da war natürlich klar, dass seine Mutter über den Lattenzaun gefragt hat: „ Willi, hast du eine Bürostelle für meinen Jungen?
safety-relevant forgings
Our company, founded in 1957, is characterized by many years of experience in the production of drop-forged parts. Short decision-making and information channels ensure close and efficient implementation of customer-specific requirements. Around 80 employees are trained in the latest technology and are able to act independently. Our well-equipped tool shop and in-house mechanical processing enable complete in-house production.
We manufacture raw and machined forged parts and assemblies of forged components from all steel grades available on the market. Unmachined part weights from 0.2 kg to 140 kg and
and production lengths of up to 1,370 mm form our core competence.
Our four hammer forging lines cover a range
cover a range from 30 kJ to 160 kJ.